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Monday, April 25, 2011

And this is why...


 Sin Yao: U make us all very proud of u!

I think I still enjoy teaching and interacting with my students. Today I'm blown away by one of my students' determination to excel and succeed beyond the realm of academia.  I've taught this student for 1.5 years since he's Sec 1 and he's also in my CCA.  National 400m Gold on Thurs and Today's 200m Gold. 

Look at the margin that we won. At the finals.  What a feat! 

I've always emphasised the importance of studying to him (cos obviously that's not his first priority) but today I learnt from him that life is really really more than studying.  And there are other things worth fighting for, worth striving for.  And it's moments like these that we remember for life - not what we learnt in class per se. 

Lesson worth remembering for me.

I remember all my school days of skipping classes, feigning sickness to go sleep in the sick bay, squatting at the drains brushing my teeth after recess with my school given orange mug and days of Bookworm club coming to our school.  And there was the part where we had rosters to wash the toilets and how my friends and me made a mess of the toilets and splashed water all around. And how we would go to the nearby mall after school and loiter.  Everything else that happened in class was a blurr.  What did the Physics teacher teach us?  No idea.  Some electricity thing. Fall Asleep.  Maths?  Don't even get me started.  I skipped so many of those 2xy +4ab +3xy = 4 lessons. 

Today I am humbled that my 14 year old student taught me more than I ever taught him in class.

If you're interested, you can watch this video of his 400m race. Lots of fans out there taking videos of him!

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