Customed Orders

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Surpise on a Tuesday afternoon!

Look what I found today on my table when I came back after lunch!!:

After peeling away the brown waxy paper..Ta da (comes with sandpaper too!)~~~

Here is a shot of all 6 of them lined up together:

I'm so happy to finally get my hands on them. I've been searching high and low for something similar to these at the stores to no avail for the past 2 months. So, u can imagine my elation when I managed to get a colleague to use his expert skills to do them for me! I've still not thought of a concept and colour theme yet for this acrylic album but I'm sure the ideas will flow..

Many thanks to HC and D for helping me to the acrylic pieces. I'm indebted to you for your kindness.

On a random note: Here is what I did today for the cover of the album i'm currently working on for a friend:

Whops: I do hope she is not browsing my blog cos that'll spoil the birthday surprise... *Cross fingers*

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