Customed Orders

Monday, July 4, 2011

Little Ms K goes to the beach!

Today we brought Kate to the beach since it was youth day and what an adventure we had!  Ate breakfast at Macs and then we were off!  Before we set off, we asked Kate if she'd like to go the toilet and she vehemently went 'No no no no no'.. She has this habit of insisting that she does not need to go multiple times so yeah..we left it at that.

And then 10 mins later after we found a spot and started playing with the sand, she said 'I need to go to the toilet'. Panic. So i grabbed her, ran for Macs ( i didn't know how long she could hold her pee cos I've never done this!) and signalled to mum who also came running.

3 empty cubicles at Macs. I had a good dash carrying that 13 kg girl and I was glad we made it!  And then we waited. Mum inside with her and I waited outside. No pee. Our little friend started singing loudly in the cubicle and at this time, a queue started to form already.  More singing. No pee....and more singing. *so embarassing!*

Mum gave up, we got her back to the beach. And then, 5 mins later 'I need to go the toilet' again.
Next thing we knew, she had peed right there and then.
Fantastic!  Jean went to get change, couldn't find any so she had to wear diapers all the way. haahhaa
What an adventure!


Anonymous said...

ooh, naughty kate! she's adorable!! :) ... give her a squeeze for me won't you.

Mum in the Making said...

Heeheee... actually that's the same for J too. He'll ask to go toilet at the most impossible moments, like when you join the yong tau foo queue with your food etc. We do alot of dashing for the toilet when we are out! (Thankfully he's a boy, so I carry plastic bags just in case we can't find a toilet! :p)

lynklee said...

K won't go unless her bladder is full... and from there she can usually control for 3mins...

I'm trying to train her to be able to go 'on demand', like to empty whatever is in her bladder even if it's not full.

wonder whether this is an age-specific skill! perhaps at her age she can't make herself go if she doesn't feel the 'prompt' from a full bladder...