Customed Orders

Sunday, February 24, 2008

This week has by far been the worse week of the year for me with multiple things hitting me all at one go. It's the usual crazy season of the year for all of us and while I was already mentally prepared to devote all my time to the usual rhetoric, I did not expect all the other things to suddenly descend upon me.
Chief among which was a shocker that came via sms on friday with my close colleague (and friend) informing me that our new boss was forming an ad-hoc committee to get some of us to undertake a new project to improve the workplace. I was quite dumbfounded as to what this was all about until I read the email and realised that it was only sent to 10 of us sitting ducks and I do think that by the end of the project, we'll all be really lame ducks. I mean, undertaking new projects is expected but from what i heard, this project seems out of our jobscope but I shall now reveal what it is until the inaugural meeting on Tues (what a waste of my time!).

It doesn't help that my colleague that I work closely with is very sick at the moment, down with fever and she doesn't look like she's getting better anytime soon and I have to cover quite a bit of stuff for her and our external instructor is hounding me lately over budget matters. Another one thing in my life to settle.

I guess this could go on and on, given that my portfolio this year is crazy but I guess this trying period is only temporary and will pass by in a few weeks time (I REALLY HOPE SO!).

At least for now, the scripts are done, waiting for 2 more on Tues and maybe just for the few hours left of today I can finally breathe a little easier and my heart will feel a little lighter.

Many thanks to H for his support yesterday evening and for being so patient to let me rant on and on... Also for the lovely honey bread cookie and kshocolat which are already in my belly..:)

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