Customed Orders

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I really should make it a point to update my blog more frequently -since that's the reason why people have a blog in the first place. To start this entry, I guess I'll write about what's weighing on my mind currently. I know it sounds cliche but the recent calamities that have hit Myammar and China have struck a cord with me. Something tugs at my heart each time i see pictures on the newspapers and the plight of innocent people suffering in these places makes me feel that sometimes I take what I have for granted -literally. I mean, there are thousands out there who are in pain, waiting for aid, and have no idea when their next meal is going to be but here I am in Singapore - thinking of which movie to watch next, which shopping mall is having sale and worrying about spending too much money when people out there have literally lost everything in their lives. I feel guilty already. Although I know it is impossible for me to physically bring food and clothing to them, I guess that being appreciative of what I have does help to lessen my guilt. Fern once told me that she thinks I'm very blessed. I'll never ever forget this line of hers because I think she hit the nail right on the head. God has never failed to provide for me all these years. I've never been the smartest, tallest, slimmest or best looking gal around but in His own way, He has made my paths straight. He saw me through every exam (I hate exams!), every painful night in my honours year, every tear-stained eye after I broke up with my ex and moulded me slowly to what I am today. He has given me a good job, a supportive family, nice colleagues and great friends who stand by me through so many seasons. I am very blessed.

Rev Teo talked about Proverbs 21:15 today 'Many are a man's plans but it's the Lord's will that prevails'. I am once again reminded that while I can fight and wrestle with God, I cannot outdo Him and I am totally powerless if I decided to go against Him. I think too often, I let my own preferences, choices and fancies take precedence that I forget to ask if this is what God wants for me. I make my own decisions without praying hard enough and simply put, i don't let God be God. I seriously think I need to re-examine my life and where God is in the whole scheme of things.

For a start, I'm going to make it a point to go back to CG every forthnight. I've been too much of a procrastinator and it's time to go back to reconnect with the CG people and God..for a new start.

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