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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Another busy day....

School today was another crazy buzz that started around 8ish and the strangest part was that I only have 4 lesson slots today (which isn't a lot) but I ended up doing so many things that are once again not related to teaching. Sigh. More sighs. A 4 period day is usually considered pretty lax and I'd thought I'd time to chill, settle work for next week but as usual I end up running around like a headless chicken trying to settle the new t shirts for the kids as well as running my CCA. It's totally mad.

And I still have 5 stacks of test papers sitting on my table.

Still trying to get into the swing of things now that term has started again and it's been a tough ride honestly with so many things to do. And the worse is yet to come as I'm involved in a project where my head has yet to delegate any work to me. It scares me honestly as I don't know what's instore there but I'll try to clear up as much as I can on my side before that shit falls on me.

And MOE still wonders why so many of us teachers end up quitting. They should really try teaching again in a school.

And i still have 5 stacks of test papers sitting on my table.

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